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The Howard Partnership Trust (THPT) is a Surrey based Multi-Academy Trust, comprising four secondary, six primary and two special schools with two further under development. We are proud of our ethos of collaboration and inclusion, "Bringing out the best" in students of all abilities and backgrounds. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust



Early Years - Sycamore

Class teacher Miss Jenny Skilton  


Please see below our Year R Curriculum Presentation 2023-24

stl 2023 24 year r curriculum powerpoint for parents.pdf



EYFS - Sycamore Class - Spring 2

Hello Sycamore Class parents

What a busy half term in Sycamore Class! Over the half term we have enjoyed listening to stories based on animals, found out about different animals, met a hedgehog and learnt how we can care for animals. This week the children really enjoyed going on a bug hunt and talking about what we found. Next week we will be talking about Easter and looking for signs of Spring! After Easter our learning theme will be The Farm. Thank you for all your support at home and we hope you have a lovely Easter.

PSED: The children have been learning about our bodies and developing independence in activities. Next half term we will continue to develop our independence and work towards simple goals. 

Literacy: Over the half term the children have been using their phonic knowledge to write simple words and sentences linked to the stories we have read. We will continue to use our phonic knowledge and tricky words to write simple sentences. We will be encouraging the children to write their ideas independently and will focus on forming letters correctly in our handwriting.

Phonics: In Sycamore Class we have been applying our phonic knowledge daily and blending sounds together to read words and sentences. We have been building our fluency and learning to read words by sight. After half term we will practice reading and writing words using the phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs and learning to chunk to read longer words. Please read at home every day.

Maths: We have been exploring the counting systems and representing numbers. We have been exploring how a whole number can be made up of smaller parts and developing our number bonds. Next half term we will continue to focus on developing our number bonds and doubling numbers. 

Sound books: Please bring these into school every day. These sounds should be practiced daily at home. In the front of the sound book there are some activities you can pick and choose from to support learning at home. 

Library: We will visit the school library every Thursday. The children will borrow a book to bring home for the week. 


Home learning:
Please read for 5-10 minutes every day.
Please go through our sounds every day.
Enjoy singing nursery and number rhymes.
Talk about numbers and count items up to 20 e.g. steps or number of plates at the table.
Practice number bonds to 5.
Write shopping lists, cards or simple sentences. Encourage your child to hear sounds in the word and to form letters correctly.
Share stories with your child at home every day. Talk about the front cover, predict what might happen, discuss what has been read and ask questions about the text to develop understanding.

Miss Skilton and The EYFS Team