Useful Links

Useful Links

The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Safeguarding & E Safety

If you have any concerns that a child has been harmed, is at risk or you receive a disclosure, please contact the school office and speak to a member of the safeguarding team.

  • Helen Addison, DSL, Principal
  • Suzan Kern, DDSL, Class Teacher
  • Mara Dowsett, DDSL, Inclusion Lead
  • Jacqui Batchelor, DDSL, Office Manager


The internet is a wonderful resource, however ensuring our children know how to use the internet safely is paramount. Alongside ongoing teaching in the classroom parents and children can make use of the following resources.

CEOP is the National Crime Agency’s ‘Child Exploitation and Online Protection’ service. CEOP works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. CEOP protects children from harm online and offline, directly through National Crime Agency-led operations and in partnership with local and international agencies.
You can contact CEOP to report any inappropriate online activity. CEOP help children stay safe online. If someone has acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know- it may be sexual chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, or someone being insistent on meeting up- you can report it to CEOP by following this link:

ChildLine is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of nineteen. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything - no problem is too big or too small. Call free on 0800 1111, have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email. Visit for further information.

The NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) helps children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protects children at risk, and finds the best ways of preventing child abuse. For further information, visit or call 0808 800 5000.
Online Gaming
Online gaming is a great way for children to communicate and have fun with each other on the internet. However, it is important we understand what types of games our children are playing, if the game is appropriate for their age, how much time they are spending playing video games and who they could be talking to whilst playing. Here are a couple of videos which explain the different types of in-game chat and tips for how you can make gaming fun, responsible and safe for the whole family.


Parental Controls
Parental controls can be useful for keeping your child safe online. You can set limits for how long they play for, the amount they can spend on purchases, control chat functions and the content they can access. If you are unsure how to set up parental controls on your child's devices/consoles, here are some guides to help you:

More Links for Parents:
E-safety links for children:

CSE resources:

NSPCC Online safety 
This is a great source of support for parents. 
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Parents Protect!
Project from The Lucy Faithfull Foundation
Parents Protect

Let's talk PANTS with Pantosaurus! | NSPCC