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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Year 5 Ash Class

Class Teacher Mrs Suzan Kern  

Please see below our Year 5 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25


stl 2024 25 year 5 curriculum powerpoint for parents.pdf


Ash Class Update - Summer 2



What an amazing year we have had.  Year 5 have continued to study the Anglo Saxons in History lessons and food and farming in DT.  As part of this learning, we have just spent three days on our residential at the Sustainability Centre in Hampshire.  Here the children really impressed me with their resilience when tackling new challenges.  They showed all the school values and were great company.  We packed so much into our three days that it is hard to pick out the best bits.  Some of the highlights included a talent show, a farm tour on a tractor and trailer, an Anglo-Saxon workshop, a wind turbine feasibility study on the top of Salt Hill and a very entertaining storyteller. 

Now that we are back in school, we are deepening our learning by writing about our experiences in our History, Geography and DT books.  We have also written thank you letters to the Sustainability Centre and our own Historical Fiction stories.  In Art we have learned about the tree of life and how it has influenced artist throughout the ages.  The children have then used this learning to produce their own artwork inspired by the tree of life and incorporating many of the art skills they have learned this year.

In Maths we have now completed our work on measures and will spend the last two weeks of term revising our arithmetic skills.  As always, any opportunities to reinforce this learning at hope really help the children to develop their fluency.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday.  Please try and make time for some regular reading and maths fluency games over the break as will really help the children come back to school ready for the new challenges in Year 6.