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Year 5 Ash Class
Class Teacher Mrs Suzan Kern
Please see below our Year 5 Curriculum Presentation 2024-25
stl 2024 25 year 5 curriculum powerpoint for parents.pdf
Ash Class Update - Autumn 2
n Year 5 the theme for our learning is ‘Bountiful Biomes’. The children are very enthusiastic about this subject and have already produced some very well-presented pages in their Geography books. I have been particularly impressed with the way many of them are using their spare time to do further research. I am looking forward to their topic presentations at the end of term. This learning on biomes is being reinforced by our science focus of plants lifecycles and reproduction. We have been acting like scientists by dissecting and observing all the different features of a flowering plant.
In English we have rewritten the story of Rumpelstiltskin. Our first version was for a young audience. Our second version was much more gothic and entertaining.
In maths we are currently learning about fractions. As always, practicing times tables and division facts at home will support your child’s fluency and understanding.
Our PSHE this half term focusses on hopes and dreams for the future. The children have spent time reflecting on what they would like to do when they grow up and the steps/qualifications they will need to be successful.
Art and RE this half term are both centred around Islam. We have been learning about what Muslims believe and how they represent their faith through art. We really enjoyed our trip to Mosque and learnt a lot about on the role that the mosque plays in the daily life of a Muslim. In English we wrote recounts of our day.