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Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Year 4 Gingko Class

 Class teachers - Miss Blunsdon & Mrs Palmer-Auld


Please click here to see our Year 4 Curriculum Presentation 2024-2025




 Year 4 Class Update - Autumn 2

Dear Gingko Class Parents,

What a whirlwind of a half term it has been! The children have done fantastic and have shown brilliant commitment and resilience towards their learning. It has been lovely to have a whole day learning about the Egyptians and taking them to sing to The Connect Group as part of their Great Works.

Our topic this half term has been The Ancient Egyptians. This has been mostly History based. We have focused on what the mummification process was, the social structure of Egypt, artifacts that tell us about everyday life in Egypt and why the River Nile is so important. It has been lovely to see the children’s enthusiasm towards our topic and we have had a lot of great discussions!

In Maths, we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We have looked at our times tables up to 12, discussed what commutativity is and how we can apply it in our work and how we can use division and multiplication facts to check our work. We have also been focusing on two step word problems.

In English, we have written instructions for how to build a pyramid. The children assessed how to engage a reader, use fronted adverbials and how to organise their instructions within headings and subheadings. We have also been discussing twisted fairy tales, we have read a variety of fairy tales including The Three Little Pigs and The Cinderella of the Nile. The children have been focusing on creating their own twisted fairy tales and being able to create narrative through character and setting. We have read a lot of writing fairy tales including ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Jack and the Jellybean Stalk’.

In Science, we have been focusing on electricity. The children have had a lot of fun building circuits to see what components they need, what are conductors and insulators and how we generate different types of electricity. In DT, we have been focusing on the purpose of torches, different types of torches and we are designing our own torches.

In RE, the children have been looking at the Christmas story and went to St Lawrence Church to make their own Christingles. In Art, we have been comparing the different symbols founds in Ancient Egypt and translating them into silk paintings. In PSHE, our unit has been ‘celebrating difference’. The children have discussed how we do not judge people based on their appearance and to be respectful to all.

We are very proud of the children for singing for The Connect Group as a part of our Great Works this term, the children showed great resilience and brought a smile to everyone faces. It was also lovely to see the children chat with the group and have a biscuit afterwards.

We hope you have a very merry Christmas and we will see you in the new year!

Mrs Palmer-Auld, Miss Blunsdon and Mrs G