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Early Years - Sycamore

Class teacher Miss Jenny Skilton  


Please see below our Year R Curriculum Presentation 2023-24

stl 2023 24 year r curriculum powerpoint for parents.pdf



EYFS - Sycamore Class - Summer 2

Hello Sycamore Class parents

I can't believe we are coming to the end of our year together in Reception. What a fantastic year it has been!

This half term the children have enjoyed exploring our theme 'Under the Sea'. We have listened to lots of stories, shared what we know about animals that live under the sea and discussed ways we can look after our world. We are all really excited about our trip to the seaside!

Literacy: This week we finished writing about Stanley and shared ways we can look after our oceans. We will be using our phonic knowledge to write sentences about sea creatures and our trip to the seaside. We will continue to focus on forming our letters correctly in handwriting.

Phonics: In Sycamore Class we have been building our fluency and developing our tricky word knowledge. We will continue to read words with adjacent consonants and apply our phonic knowledge daily to read sentences. Please read at home every day.

Maths: Over the half term we have been developing our number fluency and explaining our knowledge to solve problems. We will continue to explore patterns and recall our double facts, number bonds and odds and evens.

Library: Please remember library books on Thursday. 

Thank you for all your support this year. We have enjoyed supporting your children and watching them grow. We hope you all have a lovely summer.
Miss Skilton and The EYFS Team

Home learning:
Please read for 5-10 minutes every day.
Please go through our sounds every day.
Practice number bonds to 10 and double facts to 5.
Write shopping lists, cards or simple sentences. Encourage your child to hear sounds in the word and to form letters correctly.
Practice letter formation.
Share stories with your child at home every day.